Skip to content - Spotlighting local businesses unique to Thunder Bay!This is a sample page, if it were a real page, it may include stuff like:

  • What products or services are provided.
  • Promotions/Incentives at the store or online.
  • Where the business is located or if a home business how to reach them.
  • Hours of operation on what days, is it seasonal?
  • Payment types accepted.
  • Any other information a customer would be looking for.

Business pages are open format, in other words, the user is free to design the page in any way he/she feels. Place text and images anywhere on the page in any style. Keep in mind that it is a single page (poster) meant to inform customers of your products/services (think a single sheet of paper), please do not add too many images or paragraphs of text.

Message from the site author,

If you are a shopper, please consider supporting this site by liking this site’s Facebook page.
If you are a Thunder Bay business, please link to us from your business/social media site.

A huge thanks in advance!