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A common question is what to do in Thunder Bay?
Thunder Bay Shopping site can have the answer, by using the Submit Events form, everything about the event can be made available to the public.
The form includes:
- Event Title,
- Date,
- Start and End Time,
- If the event reoccurs (frequency, for the period, until),
- Description (details of the event),
- Link (if the event has a website/page somewhere),
- Image (if the event had an image/photo online somewhere, due to event postings being temporary, we do not upload/store event imagery),
- and Location.
- You can select a pre-existing location or if not in the list, add new location.
If adding a new location:
- Name of the location (venue),
- Street Address and Street Address (2),
- Phone,
- City (select from list – Thunder Bay),
- Province (select from list – Ontario),
- Postal Code (helps Google Maps),
- County (select from list – Canada),
- Location URL (does the venue have its own website)?
When all filled out, press the [ Submit your event ] button.
Note: It is recommended to be logged in before posting an event, this will allow you to edit/update your post later.
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