Below are the available shortcodes and what they do.
Accordion Shortcode: Accordion shortcode is a vertically collapsing element to show and hide content via the click heading panel, It is very suitable for FAQs page.
Animation Shortcode: Animation shortcode lets an element gradually change from one style to another. You can change as many properties as you want, as many times as you want.
Countdown Timer Shortcode: Set the day, hour, minute, and second for the online countdown timer, and start it. Alternatively, you can set the date and time to count till (or from) the event.
Doughnut Chart Shortcode: You can now create a clean and minimalist animated chart that’s also fully customizable. This animated donut chart can be very effective in regard to data representation.
Image Compare Shortcode: Image Compare Shortcode is a slider that can be controlled, and can be pulled by the customer to show less of the before image and a more noteworthy measure of the after image, and a different way. These types of image comparison sliders are quite popular at the moment and very effective in showing the differences between 2 images.
Popover Shortcode: The Popover shortcode is like a tooltip, but it can persist after hovering off or clicking. It allows displaying more content including header & footer.
Pullquote Shortcode: A short excerpt from the presented text, used to pull a text passage out of the reader’s flow and give it a more dominant position in the post or the article. (≠ block quote)
Quote Shortcode: Actually a blockquote, used for an external citation that isn’t already mentioned in the article. (a little fancier than the blockquote built in the editor)
Targeted Shortcode: Targeted Content Shortcode, displays content by role (‘private’ for the author only, ‘members’ for logged-in users, or ‘guests’ for users not logged in).