- Help
- Before diving into our other resources, did you see/visit our help page? This is the first resource to use as it will ‘help’ you get things set up and started on this website.
ShopTBay.ca (ThunderBayShopping.com) is all about connecting the shopper with the local businesses of Thunder Bay, however, ShopTBay.ca can’t do it on its own. Business members are encouraged to help promote our website while our website helps promote and connect your business to Thunder Bay shoppers. Below are documents (PDFs) available to all business members to download and print. Business Plus members can request these materials to be produced and delivered to their business free of charge (in limited quantities).
- Contest Poster
- To encourage shoppers and local businesses to participate in this website, the site administrator is setting up a contest/giveaway where a shopper has the opportunity to win a $100 gift card/voucher from one of the published business members of this site 100% paid for by ShopTBay.ca (ThunderBayShopping.com). Business Plus members can request laminated copies of this poster.
- Tent Sign
- Welcome to the third dimension, print this on regular-size paper, fold, and place it on a table, desk, or counter. This allows easy access to the QR code that brings shoppers to this website. Business Plus members can request tent signs with a QR code that brings shoppers directly to their ShopTBay.ca page.
- Business Cards
- At this time by request only. Business members can request up to ten cards and business plus members can request up to fifty cards. These cards are designed to be an attention grabber on the front side and blank on the other side so that you can stamp your business name and contact info. Contact us if you are interested in having cards printed with your business (card) on the back.